Michele Bachmann

In GOP race, public prayers seem more political than personal

  Among the Republican candidates running for president in 2012, there’s been a whole lot of praying in public. Months before his Christian revival meeting in Houston, Rick Perry prayed, presumably to Jesus, for rain — though when he established the Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas back in April, the proclamation was nonsectarian. He told the Christian Broadcasting Network in […]

In GOP race, public prayers seem more political than personal Read More

Be not afraid of evangelicals

  Here we go again. The Republican primaries are six months away, and already news stories are raising fears on the left about “crazy Christians.” One piece connects Texas Gov. Rick Perry with a previously unknown Christian group called “The New Apostolic Reformation,” whose main objective is to “infiltrate government.” Another highlights whacko-sounding Christian influences on Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. A third cautions readers to be afraid, very afraid,

Be not afraid of evangelicals Read More