New York Magazine

If They Can Do It, So Can We: The Joy of Watching Gilmore Girls With My Daughter

  It’s hard to be the mother of a daughter, and just as hard to be the daughter of a mother — as every woman on the planet can attest. You want your daughter to be like you but not like you, and when she does (or doesn’t) meet your expectations of what an exactly-like-you-but-somehow-much-different-and-better

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The Trans-Everything CEO

Futurist, pharma tycoon, satellite entrepreneur, philosopher. Martine Rothblatt, the highest-paid female executive in America, was born male. But that is far from the thing that defines her. Just ask her wife. Then ask the robot version of her wife. Only about 5 percent of the companies in the Fortune 500 are run by women; double

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Does Family Medical History Matter to a Health Nut?

Last winter, while reporting a feature for this magazine, I was sitting in the Stanford office of Atul Butte, a pediatrician-slash-computer-scientist-slash-wunderkind, and he was touting the promise of the personal genetics revolution. Health care is on the brink of being totally transformed by the insights given to medicine by being able to see, and increasingly understand,

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