New York Magazine

Laurene Powell Jobs’s $100 Million Mission to Disrupt American High School

Since 2001, about $15 billion has been spent by taxpayers and philanthropists trying to boost academic achievement in American public schools. These efforts have largely failed — especially in high school. For the average 17-year-old, reading and math scores have not budged since 1971. On standardized tests, white 17-year-olds still outscore black 17-year-olds by 20

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The New Sandy Hook Elementary Is Meant to Be a Fresh Start, But It Still Evokes Tragedy

Since December 14, 2012, Newtown, Connecticut, has had a prickly relationship with the press. So many camera trucks swamped the narrow, hilly roads in the hours after the mass shooting there — where 20 first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School were killed — that for weeks even longtime residents didn’t recognize their

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Is Pre-K Broken?

Photo: Julie Blackmon The best government-pre-K classrooms don’t resemble remedial education designed to bring impoverished 3-year-olds up to speed; they look like the progressive places most rich Americans have been sending their kids to for generations. It’s easy to see why “universal pre-K” has become the calling card of so many Democratic politicians. Because, really,

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